Equinix Cloud Transformation Conference 2022: The vital focus points

Cloud Transformation Conference 2022

Industry professionals gathered for this year's Cloud Transformation Conference, powered by Equinix and TechForge, to debate the significance of a "digital-first" strategy.

For this summary, CloudTech spoke with a few of the conference's leading presenters to get their opinions on the important subjects covered there.

This article highlights several industry experts who have shared their insights on digital transformation. The speakers featured include,
• Dax Grant, whoc hold the position of CEO of Global Transform and member of the Forbes Technology Council
• Erik Thorwirth, who hold the position of Head of Global Infrastructure at Henkel.
• Steen Dalgas, who holds the position of Senior Cloud Economist at Nutanix.
• Grace Andrews, who hold the position of Principal Product Evangelist at Equinix Metal
• Christine Hart, who hold the position of Head of Enterprise Network Services at KPMG.


We can all recall businesses that once seemed unstoppable but were eventually consigned to history due to a failure to adapt to the times. A technology-driven, digital-first strategy is crucial in today's society.

In today's interconnected world, a strategy that prioritizes digital channels is considered essential. The healthiest businesses are consumer and client-centered, with digitization in service of the value-driven to the marketplace,” says Grant. While keeping an eye on the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives that businesses have, a careful balance of experience, accessibility, and financial value is required. Some businesses are more positioned than others to make the switch to a digital-first approach. However, effective management will support a smooth transition for the long-term advantage, and perhaps even the survival, of the company.

Grant emphasizes that a digital-first strategy necessitates leadership from the enterprise at all times, with technology being one of the critical stakeholders involved in decision-making. "The digital-first technique is frequently the simplest to implement for startups and venture-backed organisations, although established firms have legacy technologies to take into consideration."


Customers are increasingly choosing to do business with companies who share their own objectives to minimise their carbon footprints, which goes beyond the moral reasons to improve the sustainability of your operations.

According to Thorwirth, a comprehensive approach to sustainability is necessary, and there is an "immediate need" to be more transparent with consumers. Dalgas observes that sustainability executives now have the final say in decision-making, which is a significant change from two decades ago. He further notes that the IT industry frequently fails to fully comprehend the challenges and obligations of sustainability, while the finance industry is more familiar with them. Organizations that seek to become more sustainable are sure to reap the long-term benefits; it might just take some work getting all teams on board.

Foot on the digital accelerator

In relation to the impact of the pandemic on Henkel's transformation strategy, Thorwirth acknowledges that it did accelerate their plans, but emphasizes that it was not just about speed. He notes that the pandemic caused a complete "disruption", which forced people to transition to virtual work in a matter of days. Fortunately, numerous contemporary companies have been implementing cloud-based technologies to facilitate remote work and our dynamic and mobile lifestyles for quite some time.

According to Thorwirth, unlike other companies that resisted digital transformation, Henkel was already equipped with the necessary technology and just needed to learn how to use it effectively. However, some companies experienced significant disruptions to their culture and technology. Thorwirth stresses that companies must not only be agile and adaptable but also anticipate future challenges and stay ahead of the game.

Talent shortages

Only with the right talent is it possible to launch a digital-first approach. The combination of high employment, record openings, and skill shortages has made it challenging for businesses to find the personnel they need.

“Within a world focused on digitization, there is a market demand for key skills,” says Grant. Having the proficiency to program using the latest programming languages is crucial from a development standpoint. However, organizations with legacy systems require the ability to code in legacy languages.”

Flexible working has opened up new opportunities for tech experts to work for organizations that better suit their needs. Nowadays, professionals in the tech industry are no longer limited by a physical office location when it comes to selecting their workplace. The availability of flexible work options has provided them with a wider range of choices.; often selecting organizations on strength of purpose as a differentiator in today’s connected world,” explains Grant.

Enabling hybrid/remote work

Access to a larger talent pool is one of the advantages that businesses have discovered when embracing hybrid/remote working techniques. Numerous organisations have made the decision to maintain or extend their support for more flexible working arrangements in light of the aforementioned talent shortages. A few decades ago, many jobs were not suitable for remote work due to technology limitations. However, with advancements in cloud technologies and high-speed internet, remote work has become more feasible, and many people are now able to work productively from home. According to Hart, KPMG is a strong supporter of hybrid work as it enables employees to perform most of their job functions from their mobile phones. While physical events are still irreplaceable, the metaverse offers the possibility of global events without the carbon and financial costs of travel, ensuring universal participation regardless of location or financial situation. Cloud technologies will continue to help businesses grow and overcome challenges, but it will require strong leadership that adopts a digital-first approach to take full advantage of these opportunities.