Someone has submitted a formal complaint against OpenAI to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requesting an inquiry and temporary halt to ChatGPT releases.

complaint against OpenAI

CAIDP has submitted a complaint against OpenAI to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), asking them to look into and halt the commercial use of its large language models, including ChatGPT. According to the complaint, OpenAI violates Section 5 of the FTC Act and the agency's AI product guidelines by creating a biased, deceptive, and risky model for privacy and public safety. The CAIDP demands that OpenAI establish an independent assessment mechanism for GPT products before they are deployed, as well as a public incident reporting system similar to consumer fraud reporting systems. Additionally, it calls for the creation of standards for generative AI products. Marc Rotenberg, the president of CAIDP, was one of the signatories of an open letter calling for a six-month halt to the training of AI systems stronger than GPT-4, which was also signed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak. OpenAI has not yet commented on the complaint, while the FTC declined to do so.