The upcoming launch of 'TruthGPT', an AI platform, has been announced by Elon Musk.


On April 17, billionaire Elon Musk announced his plan to launch an AI platform called 'TruthGPT,' which he believes will be a maximum truth-seeking AI that comprehends the nature of the universe. During an interview with Fox News, Musk expressed his concerns that AI poses a greater threat to humanity than mismanaged aircraft or car production, as it has the potential to cause civilizational destruction. He stated that an AI system that prioritizes understanding the universe is less likely to harm humans because they are an interesting component of the universe. Musk's announcement comes after he and other notable tech industry personalities signed an open letter requesting a six-month pause to the AI race, warning of the significant risks that AI systems with "human-competitive intelligence" could pose to society. Musk's recent venture into AI technology is not new, as he co-founded OpenAI in 2015 but later stepped down from the board to focus on his other ventures. In March, Musk expressed his worries about AI, saying that it stresses him out.