Salesforce Commits $500 Million to Support Generative AI Startups.


Salesforce, a major company famous for its technology, aims to support new businesses focusing on a concept called "generative AI." This kind of AI has the ability to create things by itself. Just recently, Salesforce announced its plan to provide $500 million to these startup companies

Paul Drews, who helps make decisions at Salesforce, explained that they want to help more people with their ideas. They hope this will help make new and useful AI solutions for businesses.

This special fund started a few months ago and has already helped some interesting startups. They are working on cool things like machines that can talk and understand like humans, and other smart tools. Salesforce is not the only company giving money to these kinds of startups, but they want to focus on AI that is responsible and good for the world.

For example, a company named Tribble is using AI to help with sales. They are working with another company called Private AI to make sure they keep people's information private when using AI.

The fund also supports many different types of technologies. Some companies are making wearable devices that use AI, while others are making AI-powered search engines. It's a diverse group of ideas.

Salesforce has other funds for different things like technology in specific areas, and they also help startups. This is one of the biggest funds they've made. They believe that AI can help solve big problems in the world.

At the same time as giving money to startups, Salesforce is starting a program to help other organizations. They will give $2 million to groups that are trying to use AI to make education better, help people find jobs, and protect the environment. They want AI to be used in fair and good ways.

Salesforce thinks that these kinds of investments are really important. Some people who invest money in companies are saying they shouldn't spend too much money on buying big companies. Instead, they should support smaller businesses that are doing interesting things.

So far, Salesforce has helped more than 140 startups that are working on AI. They have invested in companies that help with sales, use AI to talk to customers, make better advertisements, and improve online shopping.

People who are in charge of companies think that generative AI is going to change a lot of things. A survey showed that 65% of them believe AI like this will have a big impact on their companies in the next few years.

Salesforce is also trying out new things with AI itself. They are testing tools that can answer questions about their services and help with communication. They are also making it easier to create web pages and send emails.

In the end, Salesforce is using a lot of money to help new companies that are making AI. They believe this will make the world better and help solve important problems.